| 1. | And over the next several decades , the scramjet work could eventually provide china with a tactical hypersonic global - strike capability beyond the country ' s strategic ballistic missile force “中国是具备在军事上和美国竞争的最有潜力的国家,假以时日,中国的区域破坏性军事技术能够抵消美国的传统军事优势。 ” |
| 2. | " china continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war - fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile defenses . “中国持续对所有种类导弹力量进行扩张和现代化,用以增强其战斗力,生还率,以及反导弹能力。 ” |
| 3. | " china continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war - fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile defenses . 中国继续扩大和更新其各式的弹道导弹装备,以便提高其防御力和战斗力和震慑力,以战胜弹道防御系统。 |
| 4. | " china continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war - fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile defenses . “中国持续对各类弹道导弹武器进行现代化扩展,增加国家生存力和战斗力,抵抗力并克服弹道导弹防御系统。 ” |
| 5. | " china continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war - fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile defenses . “中国继续扩张以及现代化它所有的弹道导弹部队,以增加存活能力,对战能力,提高他们的威慑价值以及克服弹道导弹的防守。 |
| 6. | “ china continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war - fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile forces “中国在继续扩展其各种类别的弹道导弹种类,并使其具备现代化的水平,以增强自卫和作战能力,提升防御和抵挡弹道导弹袭击的能力. ” |
| 7. | " china continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war - fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile defenses . “中国一直致力于加强所有种类弹道导弹力量,力图使其更现代化,借此提高整支军队的生存力和战斗力,加强他们整体的防御力并克服弹道导弹系统防御上的缺陷。 |
| 8. | Only those foreign parties with hostile intent toward the united states have grounds to fear u . s . missile defense . the united states will not seek to overcome china s opposition to missile defense by telling the chinese that we do not object to an expansion of their nuclear ballistic missile force 美国不寻求以告诉中国方面我们不反对中国扩大核弹道导弹力量的方式来克服他们对导弹防御计划的反对。我们也不默许中国可恢复任何核试验。我们尊重暂停核试验,所有其它国家也应这样。 |
| 9. | The first class prizes of the state natural science award have been awarded to pre - eminent scientists and scholars who are well - known in china and internationally . past awardees include the mathematician hua luo - geng , the " father of china s ballistic missile force " ; tsien hsue - shen , chemist ; tang aoqing , nuclear physics scientist wang ganchang ; and architectural - preservation expert and educator liang sicheng and his wife lin huiyin 国家自然科学奖一等奖历来的得主都是蜚声中外的科学家和学者,包括数学家华罗庚中国导弹火箭之父钱学森化学家唐敖庆核子物理学家王淦昌及古建筑文物保护家建筑教育家梁思成及其夫人林徽因等。 |